
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Major Output

So this morning I had planned to take Luke to the library for the lapsit story time. I got him fed and just needed to change his diaper and get him dressed warmly and then we'd be able to leave. When I took off his diaper, he had quite a bit of poo, but he still managed to poo a little more as I was putting the new diaper on. I got that cleaned up, got another new diaper out, put it on him, snapped up his onesie and reached for his pants. As I was doing that last bit, I heard him poop some more. And quite a bit more by the sound of it. Unsnap the onesie, get a fresh diaper, open the dirty diaper, wipe him down. Oh wait, he now has to pee! Got the spray managed, cleaned that up, lifted his bottom for one more wipe down. He somehow managed to have more poo in him, so I had to clean up that mess. Good gracious, boy! What a mess! How on earth can you have that much in you??

Alas, by the time he was all cleaned up, we didn't have enough time to make it to the library so we didn't get to go to the lapsit. The library does do it three mornings a week, though, so I will just try again on another day.

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