
Monday, September 26, 2011

Sleeping and Back to Game Night

Saturday night was rough. Luke was waking up every hour and a half or so to feed (and that is measured from start to start of feedings, so that means it takes about 30 minutes to feed him so that was less than an hour between feedings). I was exhausted on Sunday and to make matters worse, I didn't really take time for a nap.

So Sunday evening J and I went over to our friends' house to resume our weekly game night (playing Dungeons 'n Dragons--normally it is Saturday but we moved it to Sunday this week). And I'm afraid that I wasn't as involved in the game as usual. It wasn't really Luke. He was happy much of the time in the little portable swing that we brought with us (I did feed him twice while there). And sure, I was a little distracted while watching him. No, the hard part was that I was so exhausted that I wasn't able to concentrate very well on what was going on in the game. And we did a lot more story last night than fighting, which means concentrating on what is going on was important. So my apologies to my gaming group for being a bit zoned out last night. I think I'll have to make absolutely sure that I take a nap during the day before game in the future.

So I was super exhausted Sunday (last) night. We got home a little after 9:00 and I wanted to go right to sleep. I fed Luke at about 9:30 and got us ready for bed. He woke up to eat again at 11:30. Two hours was better than the night before, but I was worried that it was going to be yet another short time between feedings night and I was dreading it a bit. But then when Luke woke up again, I looked at the clock: 2:30. My brain took a little time to do the calculation, but I realized that it was three hours! That was really great. We got fed and changed and back into bed a little after 3:00. The next time Luke woke up it was 5:30. Another three hours! Amazing! And although I still feel tired, I feel so much better today than I did yesterday! Let's hope Sunday night becomes the new pattern and Saturday night was just a fluke. *fingers crossed*

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