So I've survived (I think) a growth spurt. Thursday evening, Luke started to eat more frequently although Thursday night wasn't too bad. He ate not quite as spaced out as he had been during the night but it still was at least 2 hours between feedings. Then Friday morning came and Luke was ravenous. He was eating every hour or so. I barely got anything else done (which is fine, since I know this growth spurt eating schedule would end).
But last night was not so great. He started off with sleeping for two hours before getting hungry. Then it was another hour only before he cried again. I fed him in bed instead of taking him out to the other room like I usually do. Only 50 minutes later, he cried for food again. I went out to the other room, fed him, changed him, fed him again and put him back to bed. Not too much longer before he started fussing again, but this time the cry seemed different (not a hunger cry). I figured it might be gas so I tried to burp him and that didn't really work, so I just lay in bed with my hand in his bassinet rubbing his stomach. That seemed to help but whenever I stopped rubbing his tummy, he would start to cry again shortly thereafter. He did start to fart quite a bit so I was hoping he would feel better soon and I could get more sleep.
No such luck. I got up and tried to feed him in case he actually was hungry again. He ate a little but didn't really seem that interested. So I sat on the couch with him. He seemed a lot happier lying on his stomach on top of me so we stayed that way for an hour or so. He would sleep a little then wake up and whimper a bit then sleep a little more. Around 7 am, I fed him again (it had actually been over 3 hours since he really had eaten) and went to change his diaper, thinking that he had to have some major poo in there. But there was actually no poo (just a little streak).
I went back to the bedroom and put him back down and I think he was okay-ish (still not super happy) for about another hour. Then J woke up and after a while he tried burping Luke. He got quite a few burps out of him (and more farting) and Luke seemed better. He also finally had a really big poo.
I know that he's going to start transitioning from pooping at every feeding to once every few days, so it looks like along with the growth spurt, he's also changing his poop routine. I'd probably be a little fussy myself if I were in his shoes so I totally understand. And today he is super wide awake (though finally sleeping now) and happy. And he's back to feeding every 2-3 hours. So it looks like we've come out the other side of this growth spurt and we'll see what his poop schedule is like now.
I just feel a bit like zombie mom today. I tried to nap earlier but he's just too awake (and J went to see a movie). Now that he's asleep (and J is home), I'm finding myself unable to sleep. So I apologize in advance to my gaming group tonight as I think it's going to be another zombie night from me. Sorry! I will try to nap again before we head over there, but I'm not sure if it will happen.
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